Pieces of Paradise
Pieces of Paradise is an inspiring audio play about people reaching beyond adversity to find hope and community, from award-winning Canadian playwright Patti Flather.
Follow two dogs, a snake and a Yellow-rumped Warbler as they watch over and guide their humans in connecting with each other.
This audio play is an adaptation of Patti Flather’s original stage play Paradise. Here’s what the playwright says about this journey.
“I began this adaptation during the dark times of the pandemic, the horrific murder by police of George Floyd—and others who are not visibly white or who are struggling. Our ongoing climate emergency, the toxic drug crisis, frightening levels of public intolerance and hatred.
I explored shifting beyond rage and despair to find hope, personal agency, and positive actions the characters can take in their lives. Like we all can.
With compassionate dramaturg Jasmine Chen, co-producer extraordinaire Wren Brian, sound designer and audio producer Jordy Walker, composer Calla Paleczny and an incredible creative team from the Yukon and across Canada, I searched for lightness and joy. I delighted in bringing the animals to life, connecting with earth, sky and all living things. And trying out kinder paths for all of us.
Pieces of Paradise is dedicated to the late Majdi Bou-Matar, a brilliant theatre artist, founder of MT Space theatre, collaborator on my original stage play Paradise, and a beloved friend. Support the Majdi Bou-Matar Bursary Program for racialized, newcomer, immigrant, and emerging artists here.”
– Patti Flather, Playwright
This work was also directed by Patti Flather with sound design and audio production by Jordy Walker, composition by Calla Paleczny featuring nine talented Yukon performers. To read more about the artists involved visit the About page.